Sunday, October 10, 2010

Integrality through Transformational Yoga

Swami Vidyanand & Sharda Nandram
Centered energy and a balanced life are two requisites to link productivity with a peaceful mind. The Transformational Yoga of Swami Vidyanand offers a means to create these conditions for all those seeking improvement in their professional or personal experience.
Finding meaning in a busy lifestyle focused on the outer world doesn’t work, as many managers and entrepreneurs are recognizing. Integrating business life with our inner self through the principles of Transformational Yoga will give a sense of awakened energy as the adventure of deeping our insight progresses on several levels. This book includes 69 color photos and diagrams.
ISBN : 81-89658-25-5; Price: Editions India Rs. 400; Arunachala Press (international edition) $21.95 (U.S.), $26.95 (Canada), £16.95 (U.K.) €18.95 (Europe)
Pages:104; Size: 7.5x9;
Yoga/Psychology/Health/Indian Philosophy/Integral Studies
Market: Worldwide

1 comment:

謝明博馬陰人放購ˇ屁ㄉ人不董識貨ㄉ人精打細算ㄉ人霖宏百里緒恩駛溟含凾信攔醬油邱科信彰柏宏與簽纏t06單耳耽溺娟謝政道QKPb戲曲學院部大汐布袋戲model mode台北不婚獨子女 臺獨 said...


